Kathleen O’Keeffe (Yoga)
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I fell in love with Yoga when I went along to an intimate class of 4 people plus the teacher with a dear friend. Our teacher took us back to basics, we workshopped things, and she slowly took us further as our bodies strengthened. Unfortunately, she had to move to care for a family member, so that was short-lived.
Because I was quite a way from town and had young kids I searched Youtube and found Lesley Fightmaster and spent a year doing her online teachings at least 5 days a week, anywhere from 20 - 90 minutes at home. My family and I moved interstate. Once settled I found a little Yoga sign in my new town and was blessed with my new teacher Terina who had over 20 years of experience and I started going twice a week.
I was committed and as Terina got me familiar with the practice we just started to meet up to practice together a few times a week. I loved her down to earth attitude around yoga and her sense of humour. Then came the mentoring in teaching, Terina took me under her wing, and in my private sessions, we would discuss the principles around teaching. Under her supervision I was able to experience what that looked and felt like, working with beginners and pregnant women. I looked into becoming a certified teacher and found Core life Yoga in Cairns. The 200hrs teacher training was amazing Jen Hamilton and Han Wee Tan guided our group beautifully. Jen with her postures, sequencing and somatic experiences and Han's amazing Pranayama and Meditation work.
I have had the pleasure of leading general classes, teaching at retreats and doing one on one sessions. I love the diversity of meeting people where they are and sharing in their journey around Yoga. It's so much more than just the postures. Pranayama and meditation are beautiful additions to the practice and impact the busy lives we lead in such a positive way. Anytime on your mat is better than nothing, in saying that life can get in the way and sometimes our practice ebbs and flows, comes and goes. It's OK. That's why it's great to have a class to go to or someone to practice with to keep you accountable for something that is so worthwhile on so many levels.
If you are wanting a little more guidance around your Yoga journey, get in touch. One-on-one sessions or grabbing a couple of friends is a great way to connect, workshop and have the time to ask questions or work on particular poses.