
The Yoga School

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14/ 159-161 Pease Street Piccones Shopping Village, Manoora Cairns QLD 4870

Knoff Yoga is a traditional style of Hatha Yoga, which utilises the body as a vehicle/tool to increase awareness. All of the techniques—meditation, breath-work, postures, relaxation and philosophy—are designed to turn the mind inwards. The idea is to be in the present moment, not thinking about the past or projecting into the future

Being aware of our body and breath is a fantastic way to gain insight into our particular emotional and mental states. Using the techniques of Knoff Yoga, we then have the option to make changes in our physical health and mind-states, if we wish.

Knoff Yoga is designed to enhance our wellbeing on every level. More strength, more flexibility, more clarity, more energy—and all from a centre of emotional balance.

The concepts behind Knoff Yoga are simple and easy to understand. The body and mind are two sides of the same coin. What we do with one affects the other. You cannot have a thought without it affecting the body and you cannot activate the body without it impacting on the mind. They are one.

Increased awareness, combined with increased mobility and vitality, gives you the opportunity to make the most of your precious life.

Most people come into Yoga with a physical issue they wish to resolve, e.g. bad back, high levels of stress, or starting to feel old, etc. The goal of Knoff Yoga is to give you the tools and encouragement to make positive changes in the direction you choose.

Life has provided you with a vehicle. Knoff Yoga is the owner’s manual.

The Yoga School