
Wild Plains Shamanic Healing Practice

View Website Call Now0431 415 009
Cairns QLD 4870

We support people in creating the change they want. We help them connect with things that are meaningful to them, which is vastly different to striving for a purpose. Meaning is the spirit, the fuel, the intellect and the running gear of purposeful living.

Core to our work is healing and transformation. In that journey we help people connect with spirit, to remember who they really are and activate deep urges and compulsions that fueled this present choice of life.

We are a work based on contemporary shamanism, contemporary tools and methodology that supports difficult transformations and healing. Our training and apprenticeship is ancestral, since 2012 and is documented as a Naturistic Shamanic Tradition, which is recorded in oral and written format.

We (Brad and Caroline) embrace concepts and tools like journey-work, totem (hethna), spirit animal guides, ancestral healing, MindBody Constellation work, soul retrieval, personal power clarity workshops, conscious processing, runes, Forest Lore, evolving intention-based work and much more.

A typical engagement with us is months-to-years, depending on resistance and capacity to process on the client-side. This work takes maturity or the willingness and resilience to take responsibility for the success of your transformation and healing. Resources we use extend deep into ancestry, community, nature and spirit.

  • Wild Plains Shamanic Healing Practice
Wild Plains Shamanic Healing Practice