Focus Physio is a Boutique clinic. We appreciate the intricacy and specificity of the Body. We apply this acknowledgment to our treatments. We are like detectives of the body, searching out why the dysfunction occurred in the first place.
We work with your system not against it, making sure our treatment is specific to your needs. Focus Physio has a whole body approach. You will experience a unique set of treatment skills that only Focus Physio offers here in Cairns.
What is the “Whole System” you ask? Well, exactly that. Our body is not just muscle and bone. In fact, muscle pain is often an expression for bigger issues your body cannot sort out.Focus Physio offers Visceral Manipulation (direct manipulation of the organs). We also offer neural, circulatory, and cranial techniques. These are just to name a few of our approaches. It is important that all of these structures are taken into consideration.; We can then properly address pain or dysfunction in the body.
Focus Physio has the expertise to locate in your body where the problem originates and the tools to treat it appropriately.
Although we would like to see you, our aim is to get you to a place where you don’t need treatment. When the source of the issue is diagnosed and corrected—you have better results that are long-lasting – this not only gives you peace of mind to take that holiday or pick up that heavy box but saves you a lot of time and money in ongoing treatments in the future.