WHAT IS IT? Qigong’s origins date back to China 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. Qi is a life force energy that flows through the energy channels or meridians in the body, connecting with the energy of the universe. Qigong uses the techniques of meditation, relaxation, physical movement, mind-body integration and breathing exercises. Most forms of Qigong involve gentle movements, balanced with rhythmical, regulated breathing, in a calm, focused and unhurried way.
WHAT DOES IT DO? The flow of Qi in our bodies is related to posture, body movements, breath and the mental condition. If the mind, body and breath are in harmony, Qi will also be in harmony. Qi animates all the processes of the body: digestion and assimilation of the food we eat, inhalation and exhalation of air by the lungs, circulation of the blood, dissemination of fluids throughout the body and excretion of waste products.
WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Millions of people have benefited from Qigong practice. From ancient to modern times, Qigong’s self-healing exercises have helped improve people’s quality of life. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, good health is a result of a free-flowing, well-balanced energy system. Qigong can strengthen the physical body and allow flexibility of joints and muscles. It is excellent for people of all ages and levels of fitness.