WHAT IS SHAMANISM? Shamanism is a cross-cultural universal practice that dates back over 100,000 years and is an ancient healing tradition, as well as a way of life. It is the oldest spiritual path practised on every continent of the world. The word Shaman originates from the Tungus tribe in Siberia and means “One who knows”, “One who sees” and “One who heals”. Shamanic practices tap into the power of Mother Earth by honouring natural wonders such as rivers, lakes, mountains, forests and all creatures. Shamanism is based on a belief in an unseen world of gods, demons and ancestral spirits.

WHAT DOES IT DO? Shamans believe that the physical world is an expression of a subtler energetic world. Shamans are able to interact with both the material and energetic realms. Shamans heal illness by working with spirit at the soul level. In order to communicate with the spirit or consciousness, Shamans can enter altered states to engage in the creation of art, trance dancing, chanting and healing. Shamans know how to access power and information from nature by communicating with plants, animals, elements and the spirit world.

WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Humans might not have survived without the presence of shamans because they were the first doctors. We are not separate from the natural world as our bodies are made up of the natural elements in the world around us. Shamanism utilises ancient healing systems by reconnecting us to our souls through safely navigating the inner worlds to recover wisdom and retrieve lost and damaged parts of ourselves.