Business: SOULSHINE Bodywork and Healing


Phone: 0487 891 709


I am a bodyworker, mother, wild woman and I am passionate about living a “full yes” embodied life infused with pleasure.

To be embodied is to live in deep connection to both the divine spiritual realms and fully embrace the “in the body” experience of human existence. In this modern world of fast past lifestyles, it is easy to become disconnected from the ancient wisdom we all carry within our bones.

My journey to Soulshine is also my journey home to myself – and why I am so passionate to share this work with you. I have always had an interest in the body and massage but had never seriously considered it as a career. That is, until I felt like my life was royally falling apart about 5 years ago. I was deep in motherhood, grieving a ‘failed’ relationship, and completely lost as to exactly who I was and what I wanted from life. I was depressed, anxious, sleep deprived and trapped in survival mode. In the midst of this, something deep inside me awoke – a quiet whisper that said “now is the time, study massage”. For the first time I followed my intuition and enrolled to study my Diploma of Remedial Massage.

Things started to shift in my life. Over time I dived deep into knowing myself. I loved on myself hard. I started to allow myself to receive support and love from those around me. I discovered the power of receiving KaHuna massage. I kept listening to that inner voice from deep within saying “go here, do this, let go of that…” I finally felt like I was creating the life I wanted not just for me, but for my children also. And then I knew – I had to learn KaHuna massage and keep sharing its magic too.

More recently, I’ve continued to deep dive into a greater trust and understanding of myself and way of being (a life long process!). I’ve deepened my understanding of nervous system dysregalation (an ongoing area of interest) and how we can utilise somatic processing to facilitate profound healing. I enjoy working with both men and women to bring balance to the masculine and feminine polarities within us all. My desire is to support all those I meet to reconnect with their own true essence and inner wisdom.